Unlawyer-At-Large notes that India, Egypt and Turkey garner the top spots (yes, in that order) for having searched "sex" more times than other countries. That is what a recent survey from Google Trends reveals. Google Trends is a web tool from Google Labs that shows the most popularly searched terms from the beginning of 2004 to present.
Kama Sutra, by the way, originated in India. According to Wikipedia, Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian text widely considered to be the standard work on love and, of course, "sex" in Sanskrit literature. See a connection between the most-searched word in India and Kama Sutra?
There are, obviously, other words being searched for online. Each word is interesting.
"Viagra," a popular male erectile dysfunction treatment, is the top search word for three European countries, namely, Italy, United Kingdom and Germany.
"Jihad," which means holy war, appear to be the most often typed keyword in countries like Pakistan, Indonesia and Morocco, reports a newspaper in Australia, the Sydney Morning Herald.
Unlawyer-At-Large also notes that the post 9/11 world gives us a chart-topping search for the word "terrorism" in Pakistan, Philippines and Australia.
Philippines topped the list for frequently searching two words, namely, "homosexual" and "love." The word "homosexual" is also popular in two other countries, both from Latin America, namely, Chile and Venezuela.
Curiously, the top three search words from Philippines seem like strange bedfellows: "homosexual," "love" and "terrorism." If Colombian novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote about "Love In The Time Of Cholera," can this be paraphrased, tongue-in-cheek, to "Homosexual Love In The Time Of Terrorism"?
"Hangover" is the most popular search in Ireland, although traditionally the world's highest alcoholic beverage consumption can be found in Luxembourg, Hungary, Czech Republic and Germany. "Hangover" is also popular, next to Ireland, in United Kingdom and United States.
"Botox" (a popular neurotoxin protein used for cosmetic enhancement) and "car bomb" are favorite Google Search Engine words for Australia, while "burrito" (or taco de harina, one of Unlawyer-At-Large's favorite Mexican food) and "Iraq" are both top favorites in the United States. We can all understand why "Iraq" is a popular search word in the United States. But shouldn't the word "burrito" be more popular in Mexico? And wonder of wonders: why are people from Australia, United States and Canada frequently searching for "car bomb"?
Who doesn't know Britney Spears? If you think "Britney Spears" is a popular name search in her own country, the United States, you would however find it surprising that hers is most often searched online in Mexico, Venezuela and Canada.
Go figure, Paris Hilton.
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